Symptom Checker
More on Bowel Symptoms
Abdominal Pain
Anal Symptoms
Bowel Colic
Bowel Cramps
Bowel Spasm
Change in Bowel habit
Changes in the colour of your motions
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Lethargy, fatigue and tiredness
Loss of Appetite
Narrow stools
Perianal Symptoms
Pile Symptoms
Pressure, heaviness in the back passage
Rectal Bleeding
Urgent Bowel Action
Weight Loss
Treatment of Bowel Symptoms
Abdominal pain
Bowel Sedatives
Careful Anal Cleaning
Change in Bowel Habit
Healthy Regular Diet
Pile or perianal symptoms
Rectal bleeding
Suppositories and Creams for Pile Symptoms
Bowel Diseases and Tests
Anal Fissures
Barium Enema
Bowel Cancer Family Risk
Bowel Cancer Information
Bowel Polyps
Crohn’s Disease
CT colonography
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Key Bowel Symptoms
NHS Screening Programme
Piles or Haemorrhoids
Helpful Videos
Family History
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Having a Colonoscopy
Keyhole Surgery
Liver Surgery
I am under 50 years old
I am over 50 years old
Have you had rectal bleeding?
*This is any bleeding from the bottom and may be noticed on the toilet paper, in the toilet or on the stool. It is important to click on rectal bleeding even if yours is: - not every time you go to the toilet - whether it is fresh and bright red in colour or dark and changed in colour
*Click here for more information on rectal bleeding.
Have you any symptoms of piles?
I have pile symptoms
I do not have pile symptoms
This includes any soreness, discomfort, pressure, burning, irritation, itching, lumpiness and prolapse as well as pain in the area around your bottom or anus
Have you had change in bowel habit?
* A change in bowel habit includes going to the toilet more often usually to pass looser stools or going less often usually to pass harder and drier stools. If you are concerned about a change to a different shape or colour of the motion, feeling you aren't passing enough or emptying your bowels properly
*Click here for more information on changes in bowel habit.
How have your bowel habits changed?
I am going less often to the toilet and/or I have harder/drier stools or poo.
I am going more often to the toilet and/or I have softer/looser stools or poo.
I have a change in my bowel habit, which is different from the other options*
* If your change in bowel habit is close to one of the two other options click the one it is closest to, if not click the third option. NB. If you have passed several black sticky motions with a very bad smell you should see your doctor straight away
Have you had abdominal pain?
*Abdominal pain/discomfort can include bloating as well as mild pain anywhere in the stomach, tummy or belly. If it is severe pain, you should promptly see your doctor for advice and treatment.
*Click here for more information on abdominal pain.
Has the abdominal pain/discomfort/bloating caused any decrease in your appetite or weight?
I have lost weight or my appetite is reduced and I am eating less to avoid the pain.
I have not lost weight and my appetite is normal.
How long have you had symptoms?
For less than 4 weeks
For more than 4 weeks