
Cause of your symptoms

Your change in bowel habit may be related to changes in your diet and or life style.


Try the treatments outlined below for four weeks.


Eat more roughage and if necessary try a laxative. A pharmacist can advise on suitable treatments.

What now?

? If you get better nothing else needs to be done. However, if your constipation persists for four more weeks or recurs after stopping treatment, see your GP.

Summary of your symptoms

Date checker completed: Saturday 25th January 2025

You are less than 50 years old and have a change in bowel habit to decreased frequency and harder drier stools but no abdominal pain or rectal bleeding.

Additional information if you see your GP

Your GP will probably examine your tummy and back passage and do a blood test and if these are normal you are at low risk of having serious bowel disease and it would be reasonable to advise a further period of treat, watch and wait. However, if your constipation does not settle you will probably be referred to a routine hospital clinic for further investigations and advice on how to manage your constipation.

If you see your GP it might be helpful to take or email a copy of this page:
To obtain a digital copy of this page, please enter your email address.