Cause of your symptoms
The bleeding is probably from normal veins just inside your back passage and your abdominal pain and change in bowel habit may have been caused by something you have eaten.
Try the treatments outlined below for two weeks.
Try eating more roughage to make your stools softer and easier to pass and if necessary take antispasmodic tablets for your abdominal pain. It is normal to strain a little when passing a motion but too much can cause bleeding. A pharmacist can advise on suitable treatments.
What now?
If you get better nothing further needs to be done. However, if your symptoms persist for two more weeks or recur after stopping treatment see your GP.
Summary of your symptoms
You are over 50 years old have rectal bleeding without pile symptoms, a non-specific change in bowel habit and abdominal pain with a normal appetite and no weight loss
Additional information if you see your GP
Patients over 60 years old with rectal bleeding without anal symptoms persisting for more than six weeks merit referral to the 2-week clinic. Patients below 60 years old should be referred to a routine hospital clinic for further investigations and local treatments to stop the bleeding.
In healthy patients aged 50-70 years old who have not had previous colonic imaging a single flexible sigmoidoscopy has the added benefit of detecting incidental but significant adenomatous polyps which if removed may prevent a future cancer - ‘opportunistic screening'