
Cause of your symptoms

Your rectal bleeding is probably from normal veins just inside your back passage commonly called piles when they bleed and your abdominal pain is likely to be due to bowel spasm if it settles quickly.


Try the treatments outlined below for four weeks.


Eat a simple diet and if necessary take antispasmodic tablets for your abdominal pain or discomfort. It is normal to strain a little when passing a motion but too much can cause bleeding.
A pharmacist can advise on suitable treatments.

What now?

If you get better nothing further needs to be done. However, if the bleeding and abdominal pain persist for four more weeks or recur after stopping treatment see your GP.

Summary of your symptoms

Date checker completed: Saturday 25th January 2025

You are under 50 yrs old and have rectal bleeding without pile symptoms no change in bowel habit and abdominal pain with a normal appetite and no weight loss.

Additional information if you see your GP

Your GP will probably examine your tummy and back passage and do a blood test and if these are normal it would be reasonable to advise a further period of treat watch and wait. However, if your symptoms do not settle completely your GP may refer you to a routine clinic for investigations and local treatments to stop the bleeding.

If you see your GP it might be helpful to take or email a copy of this page:
To obtain a digital copy of this page, please enter your email address.